USACE Okays Icebreaker Project

Wind Farm Update

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has approved project construction of the Icebreaker offshore wind farm in Lake Erie, Ohio.


USACE, the body administering and enforcing provisions of the Rivers and Harbors Act and the Clean Water Act, reviewed Icebreaker for more than two years.

The permit follows last year’s decision from Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to grant the project approval under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, confirming that it complies with federal standards relating to water pollution.

According to developer Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo), Icebreaker has already earned approvals and/or permits from more than a dozen local, state and federal agencies responsible for protecting the environment.

“The issuance of the permit represents a big step forward for this thoroughly reviewed project,” said Lorry Wagner, President of LEEDCo.

“It would put Cleveland on the international map as being a progressive leader in clean energy and it would lead to Ohio becoming a participant in the booming $50 billion U.S. Offshore Wind industry.” This project represents the first step toward realizing the substantial potential of making our region a national hub for wind energy.”

LEEDCo said it is continuing to work toward gaining the remaining necessary state approvals.

Icebreaker will comprise six MHI Vestas turbines with a nameplate capacity rating of 3.45MW located some 10 miles offshore Cleveland.

Construction could start by 2021, and once commissioned, the 20.7MW project will be the first fresh-water wind energy installation in North America.