DOC Wraps Up Trianel Borkum II Work

Wind Farm Update

Tractebel DOC Offshore GmbH (DOC) has completed construction supervision of the inner array cabling at the Trianel Borkum II offshore wind farm (TWB II) in the German North Sea.

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II

From mid-August 2018, DOC supported this municipal offshore wind farm project with up to 14 DOC offshore experts, from the loading of the cables, the necessary preparatory work on the transformer station and on the foundation structures, the subsequent cable laying and installation, to the connection work of the cables in the foundation structures and the concrete mattress installation for weighting the inner array cables.

Communications with the project office on land and quality assurance were further components of the DOC work package.

“DOC has always provided the project with the required quality and number of representatives in a flexible manner, thus meeting our expectations in a targeted and satisfactory manner,” said the project manager responsible for cable installation at TWB II.

The cable installation work was carried out with the Seaway Aimery, the Seaway Moxie, the Olympic Ares and the EDT Jane.

“The cooperation on the construction site and with our client was without exception positive. We are proud that we could contribute our part to the Trianel wind farm Borkum II in the area of our core competencies,” said Oliver Spalthoff, Managing Director of DOC.

The 200MW TWB II wind farm will comprise 32 Senvion 6.2M152 wind turbines installed some 40 kilometres north of the island of Borkum. The wind farm is expected to be commissioned in autumn 2019.

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II GmbH & Co. KG, the developer of the project, is owned by EWE AG with a share of 37.5 percent, and a joint venture of the power utility of the city of Zurich with 24.51 percent. The Stadtwerke-Kooperation Trianel together with 17 municipal utilities from Germany hold a share of 37.99 percent.