HST Orders Fourth Damen FCS 2710


Crew transfer vessel (CTV) operator High Speed Transfers (HST) has placed its fourth order for a Damen Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 2710, to be named HST Euan.


The order for HST Euan is the result of a long-term contract won from a client operating out of Belgium, Damen said.

“There is strong demand from the offshore wind sector for crew transfer vessels that are efficient and economical, and which deliver their personnel in good shape ready to start work,” said HST managing director Tom Nevin.

“We see the secret of our rapid growth being a combination of the experience of HST’s crew and management, the capability of the FCS 2710 and also the support we receive from Damen.”

The company’s first FCS 2710, HST Hudson, was delivered less than a year ago in July 2018. HST’s second vessel to be ordered, the HST Sofia, has recently been launched at Damen Shipyards Antalya.

The third addition to the HST fleet will be the HST Harri, due for delivery in September 2019, with the HST Euan following at the end of November.

The FCS 2710 has replaced the FCS 2610, retaining the twin, axe bow hull design but being both one metre longer and higher. The interior allows it to carry twice the number of passengers (26) as its predecessor and enables it to deliver more flexibility, more tank capacity, greater deck space, increased comfort and more accommodation, Damen said. The extra metre above the water also allows the vessel to operate in wave heights of above two metres.

HST has recently announced a partnership with Boston Line & Services, a marine services provider positioned on the USA’s East Coast for that country’s own offshore wind farm revolution.

“At present the 2710 is the perfect size for us and our clients,” said Tom Nevin.

“We are really enjoying the current space in the market right now. The FCS 2710 is the right boat in the right place at the right time.”