The Crown Estate to Reveal Round 4 Tender Design in July

Contracts & Tenders

The Crown Estate is holding a market update event in July to present the finalized tender design for the fourth round of offshore wind leasing in the UK.

The Crown Estate

The event, which will be held on 18 July in the afternoon, will focus on the overview of the final tender design, including the updated tender process, bidding rules and commercial assessment mechanism.

According to The Crown Estate, the final announcement on regions refinement, i.e. the seabed areas to be made available to the market as part of Leasing Round 4, will be made later this year at the point of launch.

Following the launch, a Bidders Information Day will take place to set out further details about the tender process including the Pre-Qualification (PQQ) and Invitation to Tender (ITT) stages.

To remind, the tender design has been refined after The Crown Estate gathered the feedback from market and stakeholders.

The Round 4 offshore wind leasing, expected to take place after the summer, will include a new requirement to ensure projects are awarded across a minimum of three seabed regions.

Refinement has also been made to the proposals on the number of project bids per bidder, to provide the option to bid for up to five variations of site boundaries, totaling a maximum of 25 possible site options. The lease terms have been increased from 50 to 60 years, which is sufficient for two project cycles.