CIP Picks TECO Onshore Substation for Taiwanese OWFs

Contracts & Tenders

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has awarded TECO Electric & Machinery with an EPC contract for the onshore substation of the Chang Fang and Xidao offshore wind projects in Taiwan.

CIP Picks TECO Onshore Substation for Taiwanese OWFs
Source: TECO

Under the deal, TECO will build the onshore substation, as well as provide the submarine cables which will transmit power from the two wind farms located offshore Changhua County in central Taiwan.

According to the Taiwanese company, the substation will be custom-made to be able to withstand the challenges of high temperature, humidity and the salty environment.

The work is expected to begin next year and to be completed in mid-2021, TECO said.

Chang Fang and Xidao will have a combined capacity of 600MW and will comprise 62 turbines installed on jacket foundations.

The turbines will be transported and installed by CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering, a joint venture of DEME Group and CSBC Corporation, while Boskalis and Hwa Chi Construction Co will transport and install the foundations.

The two wind farms are expected to be completed by 2023.