Carbon Trust Issues Offshore Wind Mesoscale Wake Modeling Research Call

Contracts & Tenders

The Carbon Trust has opened a tender seeking mesoscale wake modeling research as part of its Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) program.

Carbon Trust (Illustration)

The tender invites companies and consortia to undertake a study looking to understand the current landscape of mesoscale wake models available to the offshore wind industry.

Main objectives include reviewing existing mesoscale wake modeling tools currently available within the industry, as well as identifying suitable datasets for analyzing farm to farm wake effects.

According to the Carbon Trust, the impact of the mesoscale far wake is becoming increasingly important as more wind farms are built within close proximity to each other, which is of particular importance in the crowded North Sea.

There is an increased interest in combining microscale and mesoscale models to better capture the total wake effect and effect of the wake at greater distances from the wind farm, the Carbon Trust said, emphasizing that the accuracy of both these combined models has, generally, not been validated within the industry.

Therefore, it is key to better understand the impact of one wind farm on another so developers may have increased confidence in predicting the wake impacts from other projects.

The closing date to receive tender submissions is 11 November by 12:30 GMT.