Seaway Strashnov Locked and Loaded at Triton Knoll

Seaway Strashnov Locked and Loaded at Triton Knoll

Wind Farm Update

Seaway 7’s installation vessel Seaway Strashnov has arrived at the Triton Knoll offshore wind project site with the first turbine foundations.

According to innogy, the vessel will begin installing the foundations as soon as weather conditions are favorable.


Triton Knoll will comprise 90 MHI Vestas 9.5MW turbines mounted on monopile foundations some 32km off the Lincolnshire coast in the UK.

Smulders and Sif are in charge of manufacturing the foundations and transition pieces for the turbines, as well as two foundations for offshore substations, with Atkins responsible for the design.

The installation of the offshore substation foundations and the SIemens topsides will follow in the spring.

Inter-array and export cable installations are scheduled to begin later this year, following the planned completion of seabed clearance and preparation works.

All offshore construction activity and long-term O&M will be coordinated from the newly constructed port facilities in Grimsby.

According to innogy, the construction of a turbine pre-assembly base at Teesside’s Able Seaton Port will get underway in the new year, with the first components due to arrive later this year.

In 2021, the focus of construction will shift to the installation and energization of turbines, with the first electricity expected to flow from the 857MW wind farm into the UK National Grid later that year.

We are looking forward to a busy year installing Triton Knoll’s innovative foundations and offshore substation platforms, further demonstrating innogy’s continued commitment towards ever more sustainable electricity generation for consumers,” said Julian Garnsey, Project Director for Triton Knoll and innogy.