OWA Launches Tender for Nissum Bredning Cable-In-Pipe Study

Contracts & Tenders

The Carbon Trust’s Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) has launched a tender for the investigation of the inter-array cable in pipe concept installed at the Nissum Bredning offshore wind project in Denmark.

The awarded contractor will evaluate the concept and assess its ability to reduce cable costs, installation times and risk of cable failure during installation.

Nissum Bredning Vindmøllelaug

The deadline for submitting applications for the tender is 19 February at 17:00 GMT.

Nissum Bredning comprises four Siemens Gamesa 7MW turbines installed nearshore on gravity jacket foundations and grid-connected using a new cable and turbine concept with a 66kV voltage.

The 28MW demo project has been operational since early 2018 and allows Siemens to test new technology and help reduce costs associated with offshore wind farms.

According to Siemens Gamesa, the cable-in-pipe installation, where standard onshore cables are installed in plastic pipes from the mainland as well as between the turbines, lowers capital expenditures compared to employing offshore cables.