ABB Gear for DolWin5

Grid Connection

ABB has won a EUR 10.6 million order for ABB Ability™ digital products and services at TenneT’ DolWin5 (Epsilon) grid connection in the German North Sea.


Under the order, ABB will provide a system for IT infrastructure, OT1 security, plant-wide condition monitoring, SCADA2, and remote access services to facilitate stable power transmission to the German national grid.

The DolWin5 (Epsilon) platform will deliver 900MW of electricity from three connected wind farms in the North Sea, 100 kilometres off the German coast.

In addition to a converter platform offshore, there is an onshore converter station located in Emden/Ost in Germany.

“This order enables ABB to leverage its expertise in remote, unmanned operations and advanced digital services with the shift to a more diversified energy mix,” said Per Erik Holsten, Managing Director, ABB Norway.

“With our intelligent project delivery experience, ABB is uniquely positioned to assure the safety, security and reliability of renewable assets worldwide. We look forward to supporting the delivery of clean, efficient power for Germany’s energy transition.”

ABB received the order from Aibel Keppel consortium ANS5 in Norway. Aibel/Keppel FELS consortium will design, construct, and build the High Voltage Direct Current transmission system.

Initial operations for DolWin5 (Epsilon) are due to commence in 2024, ABB said.