PivotBuoy Floater Nearing Production Phase


X1 Wind and its partners have completed the design of PivotBuoy, the single point mooring system platform for floating wind turbines.

PivotBuoy Floater Nearing Production Phase
Source: PivotBuoy

The prototype has now entered the manufacturing phase prior to assembly and installation which is planned this autumn at a test site at the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) in Spain.


The prototype will feature a part-scale platform with a Vestas V29 turbine adapted in a downwind configuration and grid-connected to the test site.

The design phase has been completed after 10 months of work, which brings together different project work packages, including WP2 (design), WP3 (manufacturing), WP4 (assembly, installation & testing), WP5 (simulation) and WP6 (reliability).

The Detailed Design Review (DDR) meeting was held at X1 Wind offices in Barcelona on 4 and 5 March, and brought together the consortium partners X1 Wind, ESM, WavEC, PLOCAN, EDP, INTECSEA, DTU, DNV GL and DEGIMA.

A year ago, X1 Wind revealed that the project is set to receive EUR 4 million of EU Commission Horizon 2020 funding.