Geophysical Survey Needed for Irish Wind Farm
Codling Wind Park Ltd has issued a contract notice for a geophysical survey across the main site and along the export cable routes of the Codling Wind park offshore Ireland.

The Codling Wind Park is located off Codling Bank, 13 kilometres from the east coast of Ireland between Greystones and Wicklow, in water depths between seven and 30 metres Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT).
The wind farm area to be surveyed covers around 125 square kilometres. The scope includes a full geophysical survey including multibeam bathymetry, side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, and medium penetration 2D ultra high-resolution multichannel seismic, as well as grab samples.
The export cable routes survey will be carried out down to six metres LAT, on a 500-metre-wide corridor, with side scan sonar, multibeam bathymetry, sub-bottom profiler, single channel seismic, magnetometry and grab samples.
The tender will remain open until 3 November.
The 1 GW Codling Wind Park project is being developed by Codling Wind Park Ltd, a joint venture partnership between Fred Olsen Renewables and EDF Renewables. Codling is spread across two sites, one of which, Codling 1, is consented.
Back in May, the Irish government designated seven offshore wind projects as relevant and put them on a fast-track through the new marine planning regime. One of the selected projects is Codling 1 and 2.
Subject to the consenting process, the developers anticipate that the wind farm will be constructed in the mid-2020s.