Damen Fast Crew Supplier Obtains ABS Approval in Principle

Damen Fast Crew Supplier Obtains ABS Approval in Principle


Damen’s fast crew supplier (FCS) 2710 has received approval in principle from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).


To achieve approval, Damen has modified the design of its standard FCS 2710 to meet the U.S. requirements.

It is now said to incorporate waterjets driven by engines that are compliant with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations.

“We are very pleased that the FCS 2710 has received this ABS approval in principle. The vessel has performed very well in European operations and has also received orders from Asia,” said Mark Honders, Manager Design & Licences.

“We feel very confident in its suitability for operations in North American projects also. Damen has the goal of becoming the world’s most sustainable shipbuilder and we are very proud to contribute to the production of renewable energy around the world with our products.”

Damen revealed the FCS 2710 class in 2018. The vessel, over 65ft in length, draws on the predecessor design FCS 2610.

The company increased the size of the design, as well as the tunnel height above the water, which enables the vessel to operate in waters with over 2m significant wave height. It is capable of carrying 26 passengers.