EnBW Picks He Dreiht Foundations Designer

Contracts & Tenders

German engineering company Jörss — Blunck — Ordemann GmbH has won the contract to provide a detailed design of wind turbine substructures and foundations for the EnBW He Dreiht offshore wind project.


The scope of the contract covers the structural design of monopile foundations, electrical and mechanical design, and corrosion protection design.

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The design of the substructures and foundations will be carried out in accordance with BSH regulations.

He Dreiht is located within the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea, about 85 kilometres north of the Borkum Island and 95 kilometres west of the Helgoland Island.

In April 2017, EnBW secured rights to develop the 900 MW project by placing a zero-subsidy bid in the first competitive tender in Germany.

The wind farm will feature wind turbines with an individual rated capacity of at least 7 MW, scheduled to be commissioned by 2025.