Vattenfall Picks O&M Base for Danish Offshore Wind Farms

Vattenfall Picks O&M Base for Danish Offshore Wind Farms

Operations & Maintenance

Vattenfall has once again selected Denmark’s Port of Hvide Sande as an Operations & Maintenance base, this time for the Vesterhav Syd and the Vesterhav Nord offshore wind farms.

The Port of Hvide sande. Source: Hvide Sande Havn

Back in 2019, Vattenfall chose the Port of Hvide Sande as the O&M base for the 406.7 MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm.

Vattenfall plans to design and build new facilities at the port for the 50-strong team servicing the two nearshore wind farms.

The O&M teams stationed at Hvide Sande will service a total of 90 wind turbines across the three sites with a combined capacity of around 757 MW.

Back in December 2020, the Danish Energy Agency approved the construction of the Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd.

Located nine and eight kilometers offshore, respectively, Vesterhav Syd and Vesterhav Nord will comprise a total of 41 Siemens Gamesa 8.4 MW turbines with a combined capacity of 344.4 MW.

Vattenfall had initially planned to commission the wind farms in 2020, but had to delay the projects after the Danish Energy Agency initiated new EIA processes.

The company then changed the layout of the wind farms, pushing the turbines as far offshore as possible. The commissioning of the two wind farms is expected by the end of 2023.