First Changfang and Xidao Pin-Piles Start Their Final Journey

Wind Farm Update

The loading of the pin-piles for the Changfang and Xidao offshore wind farm has started at the Port of Kaohsiung in Taiwan.

Dennis Sanou/LinkedIn
Bokalift 1 Loading First Pin-Piles in Taiwan
Source: Dennis Sanou/LinkedIn

The first of the 186 locally-manufactured pin-piles are being loaded onto Boskalis’s Bokalift 1 heavy-lift vessel.

Boskalis and Hwa Chi Construction Co, through a joint venture, are in charge of the transport and installation of the wind farm’s 62 three-legged jacket foundations and the accompanying pin-piles.

The piling for the jacket foundations and the foundation installation will be carried out over two campaigns in 2021 and 2022.

CTCI MAC, a subsidiary of Taiwanese engineering services provider CTCI, is responsible for the manufacture of 117 of the total of 186 pin-piles, with the remaining 69 to be delivered by Century Wind Power which will also deliver the jackets, together with Bladt Industries.

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) acquired the Changfang and Xidao wind farm, located off the coast of Changhua County, in 2017. The following year, the project obtained grid allocation.

The developer reached financial close on the 589 MW offshore wind farm at the end of February 2020.

The project will feature 62 Vestas 9.5 MW wind turbines scheduled for commissioning in the first quarter of 2024.