EnBW Looking for Insurance Services for Two OWFs in Baltic Sea

Contracts & Tenders

EnBW has issued a call for tenders for Operational All Risk Insurance Policies for two of its offshore wind farms in the German sector of the Baltic Sea.

Source: EnBW/Jörn Tirgrath

The developer is seeking Combined Property Damage and Business Interruption All Risks Insurance for the operational phases of the offshore wind farms EnBW Baltic 1 and EnBW Baltic 2 through a tender divided into two lots to cover each project separately.

The 48.3 MW EnBW Baltic 1 comprises 21 offshore wind turbines, while the 288 MW EnBW Baltic 2 consists of 80 offshore wind turbines. Each wind farm has its own offshore substation.

For Baltic 1, EnBW states the insured sum for Combined Property Damage (PD) to be at EUR 150,831,000 and for Business Interruption (BI) 26,400,000 p.a. For Baltic 2, the PD sum is stated to be EUR 1,190,000,000 while BI is EUR 227,908,000 p.a.

Requests to participate in the tender can be submitted until 16 July, and selected candidates will be invited to tender on 26 July.

The contracts will be signed for twelve months, with an option for prolongation of another twelve months by tacit renewal.