An image showing location of Morgan and Mona projects off the UK coast in Irish Sea

BP, EnBW Call On Local Suppliers to Sign Up for Work on Morgan & Mona OWFs

Wind Farm Update

BP and EnBW have launched a dedicated supplier portal for the two offshore wind projects they won the lease rights for in the UK Round 4 leasing, now named Morgan and Mona, and have invited UK-based suppliers to sign up.


The two companies are especially encouraging those UK-based suppliers that have connections across North Wales and the northwest of England to register their interest in being part of the supply chain for the two offshore wind farms in the Irish Sea, which will have a total installed capacity of 3 GW.

Previously known as Yellow North and Yellow South, the Morgan and Mona offshore wind projects will be able to produce enough electricity to power the equivalent of approximately 3.4 million UK households.

On the name change, Burkhard Roemhild, EnBW project director, said: “We were inspired by the location of these two offshore wind developments and their connection to the region. Morgan means ‘sea chief’ in Old Welsh, and Mona relates to Ynys Môn, the Welsh name for the Isle of Anglesey”.

The two projects will be built some 30 kilometres off the coasts of North West England and North Wales, in average water depths of 35 metres, and will cover sites of approximately 300 square kilometres (Morgan) and 500 square kilometres (Mona).

BP and EnBW initiated wildlife surveys earlier this year and last month geophysical, geotechnical and environmental (benthic) surveys started to help characterise conditions of the lease areas.

BP and EnBW’s leases have been awarded with a 60-year lease life, with the joint venture set to make four annual payments of GBP 231 million on each lease through option fees before projects reach the final investment decision.

The Crown Estate, the UK seabed manager, is undertaking a Plan-Level Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the Round 4 leasing plan and, subject to the outcome of the HRA, agreements for leases are scheduled to be signed by Spring 2022.

The Morgan and Mona projects are expected to be operational in seven years.