EnBW Looking for Wind Turbine Hydraulics O&M Services for Baltic 2 OWF

Contracts & Tenders

EnBW has opened a tender for the replacement of hydraulic hoses and change of the hydraulic and transmission oil on the wind turbines at the EnBW Baltic 2 offshore wind farm.

Source: EnBW/Jörn Tirgrath

The work is scheduled to be carried out on all the offshore wind farm’s turbines in 2022, and also includes the procurement of all necessary materials, disposal, and the provision of necessary logistics.

The tender has been divided into two lots, with one lot dedicated to the replacement of hydraulic hoses and one to the change of hydraulic and transmission oil. Bidders can compete for one or both lots.

The contract to be awarded under the tender, which is open until 8 November, will run from 1 April to 31 October 2022.

The 288 MW EnBW Baltic 2 comprises 80 Siemens SWT-3.6-120 wind turbines, installed in German territorial waters in the Baltic Sea, at a site with water depths ranging from 23 to 44 metres.

The wind farm has been supplying some 340,000 households with renewable electricity since 2015, when it went into commercial operation.