An image showing location of Morgan and Mona projects off the UK coast in Irish Sea

BP, EnBW to Deploy Floating LiDARs at 3 GW Offshore Wind Project Sites

Wind Farm Update

BP and EnBW, who won lease rights for two offshore wind sites in the UK Round 4 leasing at the beginning of this year, have deployed two metocean buoys and will soon deploy two floating LiDARs as part of a metocean and wind measurement campaign at the two sites.


The metocean buoys will stay at their locations until October 2022, while the floating LiDARs, which are set to be deployed around 15 November, will be collecting data for two years.

According to the details available in the project’s Notice to Mariners, the developers will use Fugro’s SEAWATCH Wind LiDAR buoys for the campaign.

The Morgan and Mona project sites, previously known as Yellow North and Yellow South, are located off the Irish Sea coasts of North West England and North Wales and will accommodate two wind farms with a total installed capacity of up to 3 GW.

BP and EnBW’s leases have been awarded with a 60-year lease life, with the joint venture set to make four annual payments of GBP 231 million on each lease through option fees before the projects reach the final investment decision.

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The Crown Estate is currently undertaking a Plan-Level Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the Round 4 leasing plan and, subject to the outcome of the HRA, agreements for leases are scheduled to be signed by Spring 2022.

BP and EnBW initiated wildlife surveys earlier this year and geophysical, geotechnical and environmental (benthic) surveys, to help characterise conditions of the lease areas, started in June.