MySE 16.0-242

16.6 MW Wind Turbines to Spin Offshore China


China’s MingYang Smart Energy plans to deploy two wind turbines with an individual capacity of 16.6 MW at the MingYang Yangjiang Qingzhou Four offshore wind farm in the South China Sea.

MingYang Smart Energy

The 505.2 MW offshore wind farm will also feature 59 8 MW wind turbines.

Available data suggest that the wind farm is expected to be operational by 2026.

The current owner and developer of the project is China Ming Yang Wind Power Group.

The wind farm covers some 74 square kilometres near Shaba Town, Yangxi County, Yangjiang City, with water depths ranging from 41 to 46 metres.

Orient Cable is the project’s EPCI contractor for the 35 kV inter-array cables and the 220 kV export cables.

MingYang announced the launch of the MySE 16.0-242 model, the world’s most powerful wind turbine, in August 2021.

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The model is scheduled for full prototype rollout in 2022, to be followed by prototype installation in the first half of 2023 and commercial production in the first half of 2024, according to MingYang.

Designed for high-wind IEC IB including typhoon-class IEC TC, the MySE 16.0-242 features a 242-metre diameter rotor, 118-metre long blades, and a 46,000 square metre swept area equivalent to more than six soccer fields.

With the industry’s largest rotor and highest nominal rating, a single MySE 16.0-242 turbine can generate 80,000 MWh of electricity every year, enough to power more than 20,000 households, MingYang said.

According to MingYang, the MySE 16.0-242 is the start of the company’s new 15+MW offshore product platform. In the future, the offering is planned to grow into a portfolio of model variants that can adapt to various offshore settings, ranging from the typhoon-prone South China Sea to the constantly windy North Sea in Europe.

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