Ørsted, Ocean Winds, Vattenfall Join SIMOX Project


Ørsted, Ocean Winds, and Vattenfall have decided to join the Sustainable Installation of XXL Monopiles (SIMOX) project that focuses on developing several innovative technologies that could be suitable for the installation of XXL monopiles, as an alternative to conventional impact hammering.


Launched in February 2021, the SIMOX project will run for three years with the offshore tests expected to commence in the fall of 2022.

The project, which is part of the GROW programme, aims to have innovative technologies for the installation of large wind turbines commercially available within five years from the launch by testing multiple techniques to enable the installation and decommissioning of XXL monopiles in a sustainable, cost-effective, societally and environmentally acceptable manner.

The project partners now include Boskalis, Delft Offshore Turbine (DOT), Deltares, Royal IHC, RWE, Seaway 7, Shell, Sif Netherlands, TNO, TU Delft and Van Oord (all part of the GROW consortium), and CAPE Holland, GBM Works, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Ocean Winds, Vattenfall, and Ørsted.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) decided to give EUR 4 million to support the project while the participating companies chose to invest EUR 2 million in the research project.

According to GROW, the extra income that came from signing the agreement with the new partners will be used to broaden the scope and cover any contingencies.

Deltares and TNO are taking an active part in research and test campaign. The offshore contractors Van Oord, Boskalis and Seaway 7 are leading the on- and nearshore tests, supported by DOT, whereas equipment manufacturers Sif, IHC IQIP, CAPE Holland and GBM Works are providing the monopiles and installation technologies.

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Shell, and RWE are monitoring and assessing the operational aspects of the project.

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