A photo of the Sandbank offshore wind farm in Germany

Turbine Supplier Sought for Three Wind Farms Offshore Germany

Contracts & Tenders

Vattenfall Windkraft GmbH has issued a contract notice for the supply and servicing of wind turbines for three wind farm projects offshore Germany.

Sandbank offshore wind farm; Photo: Vattenfall (archive)

The three projects, Vattenfall Atlantis 1, Global Tech II, and Vattenfall Sandbank 2, are located in the German North Sea, in the N-7.2, N-6.6, and N-6.7 zones.

The contract is expected to be carried out between May 2025 and December 2027 and comes with extension options.

Interested parties have until 19 July to respond to this contract notice.

The 584 MW Atlantis 1 wind farm is located approximately 84 kilometers off the island of Borkum in north-westerly direction. Vattenfall acquired the project from PNE Wind AG in early 2017.

A year earlier, Vattenfall acquired Northern Energy Global Tech II, the developer of up to 79-turbine Global Tech II project.

The Sandbank 2 project is located adjacent to Vattenfall’s existing 288 MW Sandbank wind farm located some 90 kilometres west of Sylt. The project will comprise up to 64 wind turbines.

The Swedish energy company participated with these three projects in the auction organised by the German government in 2017 but was unsuccessful.

However, Vattenfall did secure the step-in rights for the N-7.2 area through this auction. The N-7.2 zone was put out to tender this February and Vattenfall is participating in the auction process.

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If another developer is selected at the end of the procedure, Vattenfall has the right to step-in and match the winning bid to secure the rights to develop an offshore wind farm at the site.

The turbine supply and service contracts for Atlantis 1 and Global Tech II projects were announced back in March in our Premium content segment.

This latest contract notice has been expanded to include the Sandbank 2 project.

Germany plans to put out to tender around 1.9 GW of offshore wind capacity throughout 2022 and 2023, including the N-7.2 area.

The N-6.6 area is expected to support a capacity of up to 630 MW, and N-6.7 up to 270 MW. The areas are located some 100 kilometres northwest of the island Borkum.

N-6.6 and N-6.7 are expected to be put out to tender in September 2024, and put into operation in 2029.

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