Outer Dowsing

Corio, Total Submit Scoping Report for 1.5 GW Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Project

Wind Farm Update

TotalEnergies and Corio Generation, a portfolio company of Macquarie’s Green Investment Group, have submitted a scoping report to the Planning Inspectorate for the 1.5 GW Outer Dowsing wind project offshore the UK.

Corio Generation/Illustration

Following the recent approval by the UK Government of the Crown Estate’s Habitats Regulations Assessment process, the developers submitted the scoping report, forming part of an extensive consultation exercise with stakeholders.

The UK Planning Inspectorate will consult with statutory stakeholders on the technical proposals before providing a formal scoping opinion.

The views gathered during the scoping process, together with ongoing surveys, will be used to guide the design and layout of the wind farm and its associated infrastructure, Corio Generation said, ahead of formal submission for development consent which is planned for late 2023.

The project’s developers will organise a number of public information events in autumn 2022 to seek views from the local community on the project proposals.

In April, following the completion of a Habitats Regulations Assessment – an assessment of the potential impacts on the most valuable environmental habitats in the UK – The Crown Estate gave notice to the UK and Welsh Governments of its intent to proceed with the Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 plan on the basis of a ‘derogation’.

A few months later, the UK Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy gave approval for over 8 GW of offshore wind to move into the next step in the seabed licensing process.

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This means that the Outer Dowsing offshore wind project can now progress to enter into an Agreement for Lease with the Crown Estate.

Located 54 kilometres off England’s Lincolnshire coast, the project will be one of the UK’s largest offshore wind farms upon completion, Corio Generation said.

Once fully commissioned, the wind farm will generate enough renewable electricity to power over 1.6 million households.

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