
RTE and TransGrid to Provide Consultancy Services for Baltic Sea Energy Island

Contracts & Tenders

Energinet has awarded RTE International and TransGrid Solutions with contracts for consultative engineering and construction services for the Baltic Sea Energy Island project in Denmark.

Danish Energy Agency

The tender was issued for consultancy services regarding technical requirements to improve multi-vendor multi-terminal high-voltage direct current (HVDC) interoperability for the Baltic Sea Energy Island project.

The tendered contract was divided into two lots which also included an option for the contracting authority to purchase ad hoc advisory following completion of the main tasks.

RTE’s scope of work includes performing a gap-analysis of Energinet’s previous project specifications (e.g. Viking Link and Kriegers Flak CGS), in combination with the Danish implementations of the Network Code Demand Connection (NC DC) and Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators (NC RfG), and suggest modifications to accommodate the Energy Island needs and the multi-vendor environment.

The company will also facilitate project meetings to identify the project needs and develop and draft a set of documents to be used directly in the tendering of the Bornholm Energy Island based on a combination of expert advice and Energinet’s requirements.

TransGrid Solutions will review Energinet’s previous technical specifications for point-to-point HVDC links and describe the gap between these and the technical specifications for a multi-terminal HVDC grid as well as propose and describe a DC busbar configuration and a protection strategy that can fulfill defined requirements from the connected AC grids.

The company will also propose and describe requirements for the master controller needed for controlling the multi-terminal HVDC grid and the offshore AC grid, and identify and describe the interfaces between the different manufacturers and deliveries.

A few days ago, Denmark increased the planned offshore wind capacity at the Bornholm Energy Island from 2 GW to 3 GW and entered into an agreement with Germany to establish a subsea cable that will run from the island to Germany, enabling the offshore wind power to be sent directly from the energy island to the German electricity grid and on to the rest of Europe.

The Bornholm Energy Island, to be completed in 2030, will be the first of the two Danish energy islands to be built.

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