Ishikari pin piles

Jacket Piles In at Ishikari Offshore Wind Farm

Wind Farm Update

CAPE Holland has announced that 56 jacket foundation pin piles were installed at the Ishikari offshore wind farm in Japan.

CAPE Holland

From May to August 2022, the CAPE VLT-320 was used for the installation of 56 pin piles with lengths of 60 metres and a diameter of 2.5 metres for the Japanese offshore wind project.

The piles were driven through a seabed template until trunnions were just above the pile gripper. Pile verticality was critical with constant monitoring while driving via the CAPE Holland in-built inclinometer system, the company said.

The project’s developers, Pattern Energy Group and its affiliate in Japan, Green Power Investment Corporation (GPI), completed financing and began full construction of the offshore wind farm in October, located approximately three kilometres from the shore of the Ishikari Bay in Hokkaido.

Ishikari Offshore Wind will utilise 14 Siemens Gamesa 8.0 MW wind turbines, which are built specifically for offshore use.

The SG 8.0-167 DD offshore turbine is designed to meet local codes and standards regarding typhoons, seismic activities, 50 Hertz operation, as well as operation in high and low ambient temperatures.

Ishikari Wind will also feature a battery storage component with 100 MW x 180 MWh of capacity.

The Ishikari Offshore Wind project, and accompanying battery storage component, is expected to reach commercial operation in December of 2023.

The project has a 20-year power purchase agreement with Hokkaido Electric Power Network for 100 per cent of the power output.

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