
Swedish Company Moves Forward with Wind Projects Offshore Finland


The Finnish Government has given consent regarding research permits to the Swedish developer Eolus Vind for Wellamo and Tuulia offshore wind projects in the Bothnian Sea.

Illustration; Photo courtesy of Eolus Vind

The construction of offshore wind farms requires an environmental impact assessment (EIA), during which Eolus investigates the direct and indirect impacts of the projects. EIA will begin in January 2023 and the seabed investigations will be carried out next year.

“This is an important step towards realizing our first offshore wind projects in Finland. Our goal is for both
wind farms to start producing electricity during the 2030s.”,
said Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus.

Both project areas are located in the Finnish economic zone; Tulia is approximately 30 kilometres off the coast, northwest of Pori, and Wellamo is approximately 90 kilometres off the coast, southwest of Pori.

The total capacity of the two offshore wind farms is 3.5 GW, which means 14-16 terawatt hours (TWh) of renewable electricity for the Finnish electricity grid annually. 

The number of turbines for the offshore wind farms is approximately 100 each, but the final number will be determined at a later stage, Eolus said.

Wellamo offshore wind project is being developed under the joint venture SeaSapphire, which was established by Simply Blue Group and Eolus in November of this year.


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