Triton OX2

OX2 Plans 1.4 GW Wind Farm Offshore Finland

Wind Farm Update

OX2 has initiated the development of the Tyrsky offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Bothnia in the Finnish economic zone.


The project is estimated to have a total installed capacity of 1,400 MW and will be included in OX2’s project development portfolio for the first quarter of 2023.

The developer received a research permit for the Tyrsky offshore wind farm from the Finnish government last year.

The next step is to perform an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The licensing period is estimated to be about four years and the wind farm could be in operation around 2030.

The project will be located in an area southwest of Vaasa, about 30 kilometres northwest of Kaskinen. It will comprise about 100 turbines and have an annual production of about 6 TWh.

“The great shift towards hydrogen, fossil-free industries and general electrification demands huge amounts of renewable energy. Offshore wind farms are the fastest and most cost-effective way to build large-scale electricity production. I am happy to announce we have included another project in our portfolio of great projects”, said Paul Stormoen, CEO of OX2.

The Swedish company has several offshore wind projects in the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Sea on both the Finnish and Swedish sides.

This includes the Finnish Halla and Laine offshore wind projects, which are slightly larger than Tyrsky and are located in the Perämere.

In total, the two would have a maximum of 310 wind turbines, with a combined annual electricity production of approximately 23 TWh. At the end of last year, the company received the opinions of the local ELY centers about the EIA programs of both projects.

In addition, OX2 promotes offshore wind farm projects in Åland.

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