A photo of a WindFloat Atlantic floating turbine

Ninfea Rinnovabili Reveals Another Floating Wind Project Offshore Sicily

Wind Farm Update

Milan-based developer Ninfea Rinnovabili has submitted another maritime concession application, this time for a 795 MW floating offshore wind project off the coast of Sicily.

Illustration; Photo source: JDR Cables (WindFloat Atlantic)

The Mazarra del Vallo 2 wind farm will feature 53 wind turbines with an individual capacity of 15 MW and a rotor diameter of 236 metres installed at least 52 kilometres offshore Mazarra del Vallo.

The electricity generated by the wind turbines would be collected and delivered to the Italian grid via two offshore substations.

The wind farm would cover an area of around 263 square kilometres.

As reported earlier this year, another Italian developer, Mazar Wind Srl, has submitted an application for a maritime concession to build and operate a 1.1 GW floating wind farm located at least 50 kilometres off the coast of Mazara del Vallo.

Back in February, Ninfea Rinnovabili submitted a maritime concession application for the 750 MW Scicli floating wind farm in the Malta Channel.

Located at least 27 kilometres off the coast of Sicily, the Scicli wind farm will feature 50 15 MW wind turbines and two floating offshore substations.

Ninfea Rinnovabili also plans to develop the 34-turbine San Pietro North floating wind farm offshore Sardinia.


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