OWC to Design Ilmatar’s Wind Projects Offshore Finland

Contracts & Tenders

Ilmatar Offshore has contracted The Offshore Wind Consultants (OWC) to conduct a conceptual, technical design for two offshore wind projects north of Åland, Finland.


During autumn 2022, seabed surveys were performed on Ilmatar Offshore’s project areas Stormskär and Väderskär north of the Åland Islands, totalling approximately 570 square kilometres.

“Based on our geophysical surveys, we will now get a clearer picture of how the turbines can be positioned and what types of foundations may be suitable”, said Stefan Husa, Head of Maritime Spatial Planning at Ilmatar Offshore

UK-based OWC has been contracted to develop a conceptual design for these two sites.

Ilmatar Offshore’s geophysical surveys show the areas have highly variable depth conditions and a mix of hard and soft bottom sediments.

Based on the data, OWC will investigate where the turbines can be placed and what types of foundations are suitable in which locations.

The study also includes a variety of other criteria that influence the final layout of the wind farm, including wind conditions, ice conditions, turbine size selection, and hub height, Ilmatar Offshore said.

Possible cable routes inside and outside the project area were identified, as well as criteria for port operations, potential ports, and logistics solutions for the different stages of the wind farms, such as the construction and operational phases.

“In addition, typical decommissioning methods for each type of foundation are described on a general level, something that is often requested by the public and therefore very important for our environmental impact assessment”, said Husa.

OWC’s final report will be delivered before the summer and form the basis for further studies in the environmental assessment process.

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