Outer Dowsing

Corio Generation, Å Energi to Jointly Bid for Norwegian Floater

Contracts & Tenders

Global offshore wind developer Corio Generation and Norwegian renewable energy business Å Energi have established Nordvegen Vind, a joint venture aiming to bid for the Utsira Nord floating offshore wind site in Norway.

Corio Generation/Illustration

Nordvegen is the name for the old shipping route which for more than 3,000 years has been a gateway for maritime trade and laid the foundation for Norway’s coastal development, said the partners.

Nordvegen Vind is targeting Utsira Nord, a deep water site off the southwest coast of Norway. The site is one of two areas the Norwegian government has opened to licensing applications, with 1.5 GW available in an initial round of development.

“Nordvegen Vind will, through Utsira Nord, contribute to developing a world-class floating offshore wind industry. In addition to contributing to increased renewable power production, offshore wind is a great opportunity for Norway to create new jobs, increase activity in the supply industry, new export opportunities, industrial development and local spin-offs“, said Steffen Syvertsen, CEO of Å Energi.

Norway has set a target of reaching net zero by 2050 and has committed to establishing 30 GW of offshore wind power by 2040.

The majority of Norwegian offshore wind potential is at water depths requiring floating wind projects.

Norway officially opened the application window for the country’s first offshore wind auction on 29 March.

The combined capacity offered in the first auction round is 3 GW split equally across two areas on the Norwegian continental shelf: Southern North Sea II (Sørlige Nordsjø II) and Utsira Nord.

Utsira Nord has a capacity of 1.5 GW which is divided into three 500 MW zones. The zones will be awarded on the basis of qualitative criteria, including facilitating innovation and technology development in floating offshore wind.

Corio Generation and Å Energi, together with Vårgrønn, have already confirmed that they will bid for the Sørlige Nordsjø II area under the name Brigg Vind.

“Norway has the ambition to become one of the first countries in Europe to develop grid-scale floating windfarms. We share this deep desire and believe Norway can show the way forward for floating wind, capturing the full potential of this phenomenal technology”, said Jonathan Cole, CEO of Corio Generation.

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