North Falls

RWE, SSE Renewables JV Kick Off Consultation for North Falls Offshore Wind Farm

Wind Farm Update

RWE and SSE Renewables have commenced the statutory consultation on their proposals for the North Falls offshore wind farm, an extension to the existing Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm that is being developed in the southern North Sea.

North Falls

In this third round of consultation, the project team seeks comments from communities and the wider public on its project proposals, specifically on its preliminary environmental information report (PEIR).

This report sets out the initial findings from the environmental impact assessment (EIA) carried out by the project over the past three years.

This work included onshore and offshore surveys, desk-based research, and stakeholder consultation to identify potential environmental and community impacts from the project, and how those impacts could be dealt with.

Following its previous two consultations in October 2021 and October 2022, this current consultation presents updated project proposals, particularly around its three options for transmission infrastructure.

“The proposals presented are not the final application, but rather this is an opportunity for the local community and others to influence the details of the application before it is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate”, said Andy Paine, North Falls Project Director.

The consultation will run until Friday 14 July 2023.

North Falls is a proposed extension to the existing 504 MW Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm and comprises an offshore array area totalling 150 square kilometres located about 20 kilometres off the East Anglia coast and an onshore grid connection location in Tendring, Essex.

Underground cables would carry power from landfall near Frinton-on-Sea around 24 kilometres to a new onshore substation.


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