Iberdrola Awards Wikinger Blade Inspection Contract

Wind Farm Update

Iberdrola has awarded a contract to Ingeteam to carry out the blade inspection work at the 350 MW Wikinger offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea.

Ingeteam Wikinger

Ingeteam will be in charge of the blade inspection at the offshore wind farm which features 70 Adwen 5 MW wind turbines.

The work to be carried out by Ingeteam is done by means of vertical access with ropes.

The 21 wind turbines to be inspected have a total height of 165 metres, are made up of a part on which the 222 tonne propellers rotate, a 135-metre diameter rotor, whose blades are 67 metres long each, and a 75-metre tower.

For Ingeteam, this is a new contract with Iberdrola at the same facility, as it was also responsible for its commissioning in 2018 and carried out the corresponding quality inspections in 2021.

Wikinger is one of Iberdrola’s flagship operational projects and was the first offshore wind farm developed by the group on its own.

The project is located within the West of Adlergrund cluster in the German Baltic Sea.

The wind farm has been supplying clean energy to approximately 350,000 German households since it was commissioned and operates under Germany’s feed-in tariff regime which offers a guaranteed price for all electricity produced by the Wikinger wind farm through 2037.


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