An image rendering an Vestas wind turbine on a floating foundation at EolMed site at sea, with a Qair logo on nacelle

ABL Wins Work on Another French Offshore Wind Farm

Contracts & Tenders

ABL has been awarded a marine warranty surveyor (MWS) contract for the EolMed floating offshore wind project in France, where the consultancy will provide MWS services during the offshore construction of the wind farm.

ABL’s office in Paris will support the developer Qair with MWS services covering transport and installation operations for the wind turbines, dynamic cables and the floating electrical hub.

EolMed is a pre-commercial floating offshore wind farm with a total capacity of 30 MW that will soon be built 18 kilometres off the coast of Gruissan and Port-la-Nouvelle, France, in the Mediterranean Sea, in a water depth of 60 metres.

The project will consist of three Vestas V164-10.0 MW wind turbines mounted on BW Ideol’s Damping Pool floating foundations and will be connected to a floating electrical hub by inter-array cables.

The construction of three floating wind turbines started this spring in Port-la-Nouvelle and the offshore construction activities will start this summer with the installation of the floating electrical hub at the project site.

“ABL has long played an active part in France’s offshore wind development, whether as independent engineering consultant or marine warranty surveyor on France’s first offshore wind projects”, said Fabien Thomas, Head of MWS Services in ABL Paris. “We look forward to working together with Qair and their different stakeholders to make this challenging and exciting project a reference project for French floating wind”.

Earlier this year, ABL Group’s Paris office was awarded contracts for two Round 2 offshore wind farms in France, the 496 MW Iles d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier and the 496 MW Dieppe-Le Tréport, on which offshore construction activities also started this year.


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