Triton OX2

OX2 to Investigate Cultivation of Blue Mussels on Swedish Offshore Wind Project


OX2 has signed a letter of intent with Ecopelag to investigate the possibilities for large-scale cultivation of blue mussels at the Aurora offshore wind farm in Sweden.


The Aurora offshore wind farm is located approximately 20 kilometres south of Gotland and 30 kilometres east of Öland, within the Swedish economic zone.

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Through innovation and concrete measures, OX2 together with Ecopelag plans to speed up the recovery of a viable Baltic Sea and ensure sustainable use of its resources, the company said.

The offshore wind developer said that a large-scale blue mussel farm could achieve a significant and cost-effective nutrient uptake with a focus on circularity and sustainable growth in both blue and green industries.

“In addition to supplying a large amount of new Swedish renewable electricity to southern Sweden, OX2 works actively to add opportunities for synergy effects for the region, fisheries and aquaculture. Together with Ecopelag, we will investigate the potential for large-scale, sustainable and commercially profitable aquaculture, which can create a healthier and cleaner Baltic Sea”, said Emelie Zakrisson, head of offshore, Sweden.


The wind farm will comprise up to 370 wind turbines, with a maximum height of 370 metres. The total installed capacity is estimated at 5,500 MW.

The electricity production from the planned wind farm will be about 24 TWh per year, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of about five million households or about 17 per cent of the total electricity consumption in Sweden, OX2 said.


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