Danes Consulting Potential Bidders on Upcoming Offshore Wind Tenders


The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has invited potential bidders and other market players to provide input and feedback on the upcoming tenders that could bring a minimum of 9 GW and potentially up to 14 GW of additional offshore wind capacity to the Danish grid by 2030.

Danish Energy Agency

On 30 June, the DEA, in collaboration with Energinet, published draft tender documents that establish the framework for adding a minimum of 6 GW of capacity at four new offshore wind areas and a further 3 GW at Energy Island Bornholm by 2030, with the possibility of overplanting, which will be discussed with relevant market players.

Through the market dialogue, potential developers will have the opportunity to contribute directly with input and proposals to the preliminary tender material.

The input will help the DEA translate the decided frameworks into tender material and include the concrete implementation of the newly decided requirements, thus creating transparent tender conditions.

The DEA is preparing for the tenders after the political agreement was reached on 30 May, securing the framework for holding the upcoming auctions for at least 3 GW of capacity at the North Sea I (Nordsøen I) area, 1 GW at Kattegat II, 1 GW at Kriegers Flak II, and 800-1,200 MW at Hesselø, as well as further 3 GW at Energy Island Bornholm’s two offshore wind farms (Energy Island Bornholm I and II).

The agreement also approved the overplanting option, allowing for the installation of more offshore wind capacity at the tendered locations than what was agreed in the climate agreement and other political agreements, which could secure as much as 14 GW of capacity if implemented at all the tendered areas.

Projects at North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II and Kattegat II have the green light for overplanting, while only a more limited overplanting can be permitted at Hesselø and Energy Island Bornholm, up to a total capacity of 1.2 GW for Hesselø and 3.8 GW for Energy Island Bornholm. 

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The DEA is expected to have the final tender material published at the end of this year or in early 2024.

The deadline for submitting bids for North Sea I, Hesselø and Energy Island Bornholm is anticipated to be set sometime at the end of 2024, and for Kattegat II and Kriegers Flak II in the first half of 2025.


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