Jumbo Offshore to Install Baltic Eagle Transition Pieces

Supply Chain

Van Oord has contracted Jumbo Offshore to transport and install transition pieces (TPs) for Iberdrola’s Baltic Eagle offshore wind project in the German Baltic Sea.

Operations on the project are to commence this month. Van Oord recently installed all monopiles and began inter-array cable installation activities at the Baltic Eagle site northeast of the Rügen island off the Pomeranian coast.

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Under the contract, Jumbo Offshore will be responsible for the transportation and installation of TPs from the marshalling yard to the offshore wind farm site.

The first transition pieces, manufactured by Windar Renovables, arrived from Aviles, Spain, to the Van Oord storage facility in Mukran, Germany in March this year.

Each Baltic Eagle TP is 15 metres high, 6.5 metres in diameter, and weighs 240 tonnes.

 “After working together on the Arkona offshore wind farm, we are looking forward to working for Van Oord again,” said Brian Boutkan, Manager of Commerce at Jumbo Offshore.


The Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm will comprise 50 Vestas 9.5 MW wind turbines, installed on monopile foundations, and will be linked to the German high-voltage grid via the Ostwind 2 grid connection.

Scheduled to be fully operational by the end of 2024, the 476 MW wind farm will supply approximately 475,000 households with renewable energy while reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 800,000 tonnes per year.


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