RWE Looking to Protect Ocean Biodiversity with Floating Wind Co-Use Competition


RWE has launched its first global “Floating Wind Co-use Competition” as the company is looking for solutions to promote the co-existence of floating offshore wind farms with other sea users and biodiversity enhancement.

RWE invites start-ups, scale-ups, research institutes as well as other individuals and organisations to propose solutions to promote co-existence with other sea-based activities to support local marine stakeholders, especially the fisheries.

Furthermore, the company is looking for innovations, which minimise the environmental impact on wildlife and which have a net-positive impact on biodiversity. The innovations should provide positive opportunities for local marine stakeholders, and ideally protect the marine ecosystem simultaneously, said the German energy company.

“Winners get the chance to explore the value of their innovation for floating offshore wind farms with RWE’s in-house experts and to work with RWE’s global development teams, which drive forward floating wind projects in Europe, Asia and America,” according to RWE.

The winners are also eligible to a monetary research grant to further develop their ideas, said RWE.

Participants can submit their proposal to the company until 31 December 2023.

RWE is actively involved in two floating demonstration projects in Spain and Norway and has already secured a commercial-scale floating wind lease off the Californian coast.


In addition, the company has submitted a bid for the Brittany South auction, has pre-qualified to participate in the Mediterranean auction in France, and is preparing to participate in the Utsira Nord floating wind tender in Norway and in the Celtic Sea auction in the UK. 

Furthermore, RWE is exploring floating wind in other European markets, America, and the APAC region.


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