1 GW Wind Farm Proposed Offshore Jersey

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Jersey’s Council of Ministers has proposed to build a 1 GW offshore wind farm in the southwest of the island’s territorial waters that would produce enough electricity to meet its needs, with the remainder to be exported.

It is proposed that the offshore wind farm should be privately funded and designed, and delivered by a consortium with substantial experience of similar development elsewhere, according to the government.

The demand for clean energy is huge and offshore wind is now a mature, proven and price competitive form of electricity generation. It all adds up to a once in a generation opportunity for the Island,” said the Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf.

“Generating capacity at the levels we’re proposing is around six times Jersey’s current electricity demand, and around twice our requirement if all the energy needs of our current economy – including transport and home heating – were powered entirely by electricity. This means we can create new export opportunities as well.” 

Ministers will hold a public consultation and have lodged a proposition asking state members to give their ‘in principle’ support for the project.

A three-phase approach was proposed by the Ministers. In principle includes public engagement, industry engagement, and the States debate on the proposition.

The next phase is leasing of the seabed which includes a competitive tender process and confirmation that a successful bidder has a legal right to develop the site.

The final phase is consenting which includes the development consortium consulting with Islanders, assessing environmental impact, and submitting a formal application for approval.

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A public engagement process will begin next month and run for 14 weeks, including public meetings, the opportunity to view visual ‘mock-ups,’ and a formal consultation survey.

“If States Members are supportive, we expect to bring forward, in 2024, the necessary legislation. Then in 2025 we can identify the right developer. I’m incredibly excited to be launching this project on behalf of the Council of Ministers. This as an opportunity for Jersey to make clean energy a central part of its economic future,” said Deputy Renouf.

In a 2019 Island Plan consultation, 85 per cent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed the plan should continue to encourage the development of offshore wind and tidal energy, according to the government.


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