Phase 1 of Floating Offshore Wind Substation Standard JIP Completed

Business development

DNV has concluded Phase 1 of its joint industry project (JIP) focused on establishing offshore substation standards for the growing floating wind sector.

According to DNV’s 2023 Energy Transition Outlook (ETO), floating offshore wind capacity is projected to exceed 260 GW by 2050.

Offshore substations play a crucial role in the scaling of floating offshore wind, serving as hubs to connect multiple wind turbines and transmit renewable energy to markets. 

With a focus on closing gaps in existing technology and standards applicable to floating substations, the JIP could help the wind industry meet its potential and contribute to the ongoing evolution of the global energy system, DNV said.

The JIP’s Phase 1 primary outcomes include affirming the feasibility of floating offshore substations (FOSS) and export cables, identifying gaps requiring attention, and highlighting the maturity of AC solutions compared to DC.

The project also carried out a feasibility analysis for generic floater types and dynamic export cable concepts.

Emphasizing a robust design process for optimized integrated floating substations, DNV plans to incorporate the JIP’s findings in the next update of DNV-ST-0145 for floating substations and of DNV-ST-0359 for dynamic cables, both scheduled for 2024, according to DNV.


“Standards are important in emerging industries as they encourage innovation and competition while ensuring safety and reliability. It has been very valuable to work alongside 38 leading companies covering all scopes and disciplines in this project, and we look forward to floating substations being integrated to DNV-ST-0145,” said Claus Christensen, Senior Chief Specialist at Ørsted and JIP Chairman.

DNV is now initiating Phase 2 of this JIP, where Phase 1 participants and new participants will be invited to join. Phase 2 will build on Phase 1 delivered and input received from the contributors.

The JIP’s ultimate objective is to support the scaling of floating wind with an acceptable level of technical, commercial, and HSE risk, through robust guidelines, said DNV.


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