50Hertz Moves Forward with Ostwind 3 Grid Connection

Planning & Permitting

German transmission system operator (TSO) 50Hertz has received planning approval decisions for the offshore route of the Ostwind 3 grid connection project in the Baltic Sea. The planning approval refers to the section in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and the section in the territorial sea, the so-called 12 nautical mile zone.

The Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labor Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has issued the planning approval decision for the cable route within the territorial waters. The section covers the route from the EEZ to the connecting element between the sea and land cables at the Vierow Port and is 77.5 kilometres long.

The responsible approval authority, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BHS), has issued the planning approval decision for the section in the EEZ.

The approval covers the cable route from the offshore substation platform and within the German EEZ with a total length of approximately 24 kilometres as well as the construction of the offshore substation platform itself.

In addition, 50Hertz is awaiting approval for the approximately four-kilometre-long route on land including the network connection point, starting at the connecting element at the Vierow Port to the newly built Stilow substation in the municipality of Brünzow.


Ostwind 3 is the grid connection project of the 300 MW Windanker offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea, developed by Iberdrola.

The wind farm, for which Iberdrola exercised its step-in-right to the pre-developed site O-1.3 in November 2021, will be built in the area Westlich Adlergrund, north of the operating wind farms Wikinger and Arkona which are connected to 50Hertz’s operational grid connection system, Ostwind 1.

The completion of the Ostwind 3 grid connection is scheduled for the third quarter of 2026.


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