BOEM Gulf of Maine Research Lease

US Completes Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind Research Lease Review

Business development

The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has released its Final Environmental Assessment (Final EA) of an offshore wind research lease in the Gulf of Maine, finding that the proposed lease activities will have no significant impacts.

BOEM Gulf of Maine Research Lease
Source: The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

In October 2021, the state of Maine requested a research lease for the purpose of researching floating offshore wind technology and its deployment. The research site is located 28 nautical miles (approximately 51.8 kilometres) off the coast of Maine, about southeast of Portland.

If developed the project would comprise up to twelve floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 MW of renewable energy.

On 29 May 2024, BOEM will publish the “Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Assessment for a Wind Energy Research Lease on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Maine” in the Federal Register.

Due to the finding of no significant environmental impact, BOEM does not need to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to issue a wind energy research lease offshore Maine.

Upon completion of the Final EA and finding of no significant impacts, BOEM offered the research lease to the State of Maine which has 30 calendar days to accept, reject, or request modifications to the lease.

“Floating wind technology can make offshore wind a reality in the Gulf of Maine,” said Elizabeth Klein, BOEM Director.

“BOEM will continue to work in partnership with the state of Maine as we move forward to facilitate the responsible development of offshore wind in this region, as well as the deployment of floating offshore wind technology nationwide.”


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