EMD International, C2Wind to Assess Offshore Wind Conditions at Five New Danish Sites

Contracts & Tenders

Danish transmission system operator (TSO) Energinet has awarded EMD International and C2Wind with contracts for the assessment of wind conditions at the five new offshore wind areas for which the Danish government launched an auction in April.

The offshore wind sites are North Sea I, Hesselø South, Kriegers Flak II North, Kriegers Flak II South, and Kattegat. Combined, the five sites could bring at least 6 GW of new offshore wind capacity to the Danish grid and as much as 10+ GW with the ‘overplanting’ options.

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The Danish Energy Agency has tasked Energinet with undertaking site conditions assessments to support the development of future offshore wind farms in the five new areas.

The contracts awarded to EMD International and C2Wind in July 2024 cover assessments of wind conditions for the five sites and a report for each area, which will later be certified by an independent third party.

The two companies will perform the work for the areas they secured a contract for using metocean measurements from the areas (to be provided by Energinet) and other relevant measuring stations, and hindcast data generated using local wind models in high-resolution.

EMD International has been appointed to assess the wind conditions at Kattegat and Hesselø South, and C2Wind has been awarded the work for the two Kriegers Flak II sites and North Sea I.


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