Dajin Completes First Foundation for RWE’s Nordseecluster A Project


First TP-less monopile for RWE’s Nordseecluster A offshore wind project has been completed at Dajin Heavy Industry’s Penglai facility in China.

In a recent social media update, Dajin Heavy Industry announced that the Nordseecluster project represents a major milestone for the company, as it is their largest offshore monopile project to date, featuring 104 units.

It also represents their second international offshore foundation project where the firm is responsible for transportation, following their work on the Danish Thor offshore wind project.

The Nordseecluster is being implemented in two phases, the 660 MW Nordseecluster A and the 900 MW Nordseecluster B, each comprising two offshore wind farms.

In May, the first steel was cut for the TP-less monopiles that will be installed at the offshore wind site in the German North Sea.

Dajin Heavy Industry is responsible for the supply of 104 units under a contract signed with RWE, the developer of the Nordseecluster project.

The foundations will be installed by Van Oord’s brand-new offshore installation vessel Boreas, which is currently undergoing sea trials. Mammoet, a Netherlands-based company, will manage the monopile foundations and has recently signed a contract with Buss Ports.

The monopiles will support Vestas V236-15.0 MW wind turbines, which will be installed by Havfram Wind.


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