Ulstein Launches Bernhard Schulte Offshore’s Methanol-Ready CSOV


Ulstein Verft has launched the first of the two commissioning service operation vessels (CSOVs) that Bernhard Schulte Offshore (BS Offshore) ordered in 2023.


The CSOV was launched on 23 February at the Ulstein Verft yard in Norway, following an outfitting phase that included the installation of electrical and mechanical systems, piping, accommodation, and system integration. In the few days before the launch, the vessel was positioned at the outer dock where an Ampelmann tower and gangway were installed.

The CSOV is now positioned quayside, where it awaits sea trials that are scheduled to commence later this year, according to Ulstein.

Bernhard Schulte Offshore signed an agreement with Ulstein Verft for the design and construction of the two commissioning service operation vessels (CSOVs) in June 2023. The companies also signed options for four additional vessels.

The vessels are of the ULSTEIN SX222 design and utilise the company’s TWIN X-STERN, featuring two sterns and main propellers located at both fore and aft.

Both CSOVs will be equipped with a hybrid battery propulsion system and prepared for green methanol fuel to enable carbon-neutral operations. 

The now-launched CSOV is planned for delivery in the second quarter of 2025.


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