Munich Airport Looking to Procure Offshore Wind Power

Business & Finance

Flughafen München GmbH, the operator of Munich Airport, has launched a tender for the supply of electricity from an offshore wind farm that will go into operation in 2026 or 2027.

The airport operator is looking to award a ten-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for 40 GWh of electricity per year, generated by an offshore wind farm that is set to enter commercial operation preferably in 2026, but no later than 1 January 2028. 

According to a contract notice issued on 28 February, as a transitional measure for an offshore wind farm that would go into operation later than in 2026, the contractor can supply electricity from an existing wind farm, preferably from 2026 until 31 December 2027 at the latest, with the latest date of the start of delivery from an existing plant 1 January 2027. Flughafen München GmbH notes that the basic delivery period is, in any case, ten years from the start of delivery. 

The deadline for the submission of offers under the tender is 2 April 2025.

In the tender notice, the Munich Airport operator says that, with 40 GWh of offshore wind electricity annually, it intends to supplement its power supply with green electricity to make a sustainable contribution to its own and global climate goals.

The offshore wind farms coming online next year in Germany are the 900 MW Borkum Riffgrund 3, built by Ørsted in the German North Sea, and Iberdrola’s three-project Baltic Hub development in the Baltic Sea, including the operational 350 MW Wikinger offshore wind farm, 315 MW Windanker, and the 467 MW Baltic Eagle project. In 2027, one of the offshore wind farms that are expected to go into operation is the first Nordseecluster project developed by RWE, the 660 MW Nordseecluster A.

Munich Airport’s tender for the supply of offshore wind power comes a few years after Frankfurt Airport operator, Fraport AG, signed a long-term corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA) with EnBW for the supply of electricity from EnBW’s 900 MW He Dreiht offshore wind farm in the German North Sea.

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