Two Applications Submitted for Saare 7 Offshore Wind Area

Planning & Permitting

Two applications have been submitted to build an offshore wind farm on the Saare 7 site in Estonia, with the auction for the area scheduled for June 2025.

OÜ Utilitas Wind and Sunly Wind OÜ each filed their own competing application for the Saare 7 area, which covers approximately 158.9 square kilometres.

The starting price for this area is EUR 2,383,500, and the auction winner is the participant who made the highest bid and paid that amount.

The building permit and environmental impact assessment procedure will be initiated for their application no later than 90 days after the announcement of the winner of the auction, according to Estonia’s Consumer Protection and Technical Regulation Authority (CPTRA).

After the initiation of the proceedings, the applicant, together with an expert group, will prepare an environmental impact assessment programme, followed by the preparation of studies and an environmental impact assessment report.

The permit ends with a decision by the CPTRA on granting a building permit.

So far, the CPTRA has announced winners of five auctions for the sea area and has initiated licence proceedings and environmental impact assessments for offshore wind farms eleven times. In addition, one environmental impact assessment report has been approved.


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