G-TEC Completes Seabed Survey in Dutch Doordewind Offshore Wind Farm Zone

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G-TEC has completed a seabed survey in the Doordewind Wind Farm Zone (DDWWFZ) under a contract the Belgian geophysical survey specialist signed with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) in 2024.

Photo source: G-TEC via LinkedIn

The offshore work was carried out by G-TEC’s survey vessels Mainport GEO and Karina. Through the survey, the company acquired, processed, and delivered a range of high-quality geophysical data using a multibeam echosounder (MBES), side-scan sonar (SSS), sub-bottom profiler (SBP), and magnetometry (MAG), G-TEC said in a social media post on 27 March.

According to the company, the deliverables from the survey are a critical element of the Integrated Ground Model for the offshore wind farm zone. For the development of a fully Integrated Ground Model (IGM) for DDWWFZ, RVO has contracted Fraunhofer IWES, who will perform the work in collaboration with Tetra Tech RPS Energy and Geowynd.

“By preparing an extensive package of site data, RVO derisks the path for development of Offshore Wind Farms in the Netherlands”, said Hugo Swane, Project Manager at RVO.

“The seabed data will now be used as input for the upcoming geotechnical investigations at Doordewind and for constructing an Integrated Ground Model, while the deliverables will also be published for use by the participants in the permit tenders for the offshore Wind Farm Sites.”

The Doordewind wind farm zone is located approximately 77 kilometres off the north coast of the Netherlands and will house the first offshore wind farm that will connect to Eemshaven. The total wind farm area is about 580 square kilometres and is planned to support a total installed offshore wind capacity of 4 GW, divided over two sites of 2 GW each, Doordewind I and Doordewind II.

The first Doordewind site is planned to be put up for auction in 2027, with the commissioning expected in 2032.


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