Hornsea One CTVs Near Deployment


Danish company MH-O&C has taken delivery of crew transfer vessels (CTVs) MHO Gurli and MHO Esbjerg, destined for Ørsted’s Hornsea Project One offshore wind farm in the UK.

Incat Crowther
Hornsea One CTVs Near Deployment
Source: Incat Crowther

MH-O&C launched MHO Gurli in November last year, with the vessel’s naming ceremony held this February.

According to Incat Crowther, the designer, the two 39m long vessels are the largest wind farm support vessels to enter service to date anywhere in the world.

Built by PT Bintang Timur Samudera in Indonesia, the vessels are fitted with a quad propulsion package, made up of four Cummins KTA38 main engines coupled to four KaMeWa S50-3 waterjets.

MHO Gurli has already been approved for transfers in significant wave heights exceeding 2m, Incat Crowther said.

The vessels’ top speed is 30kn and service speed 25kn, with endurance for 14 days of 24-hour operation and capacity for 62,000l of fuel, the company said.

The CTVs are operated from the third deck, where the wheelhouse and workstations have an uninterrupted vision of the turbine tower and surrounding working areas.

Hornsea Project one is located some 120km off the coast of Yorkshire. The 1.2GW wind farm recently produced first power and is slated for the full commissioning in 2020.