Sunday Windy Sunday in Denmark

Business & Finance

Wind turbines covered all the electricity consumption in Denmark on 15 September, marking a new record, according to Energinet.

Danish Wind Energy Association (Illustration)

For the first time ever, wind turbines generated power all 24 hours and provided 130% of electricity during the day, much more than the Danes need for daily consumption, Energinet reported.

Between 2 and 3 a.m., up to 60% more electricity was produced than the Danish market demanded, which broke the previous record from 9 June when wind turbines accounted for 52% more production than consumption.

According to Energinet, this was caused by the first autumn heavy winds, with gusts of gale hitting the west coast and turbines.

“Just ten years ago, winds only filled about one-fifth of our supply, so things have gone insanely strong when we have not just hours, but 24 hours where wind turbines produce more electricity than we need,” said Carsten Vittrup, Energy Strategic Advisor at Energinet.