German Cabinet Approves 40 GW by 2040 Offshore Wind Target
Germany’s Federal Cabinet has approved the amendment to the Offshore Wind Act (WindSeeG) which establishes a goal of 40 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2040.
The core of the bill is an increase in the 2030 offshore wind expansion target from 15 GW to 20 GW.
In addition, the new amendment for the first time establishes a long-term expansion goal beyond 2030 in Germany.
The amendment was presented to the cabinet by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmeier.
“The draft wind energy law at sea presented today is a milestone for offshore wind energy in Germany,” Altmeier said.
”With 20 gigawatts in 2030, offshore wind energy will make a significant contribution to ensuring that by 2030 we will have a 65 percent share of renewable energy in gross electricity consumption. For the first time, we have also set a target for 2040 that enables all stakeholders to plan for the long term and offers offshore wind energy a reliable framework. This offers great economic opportunities and secures added value and employment in the coastal countries and inland.”
The amendment to the law also introduces an additional test step to better synchronize the grid expansion and the expansion of offshore wind capacity. This is to minimize the risk of a wind farm not being able to deliver electricity to the grid because the completion of the associated offshore connection line is delayed, the government said.
Germany’s industry representatives and organisations such as WAB and BWO have welcomed the proposed amendment to the Offshore Wind Act, but have also called for the introduction of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction model, warning that the dynamic tendering setup proposed in the bill could adversely affect the future development of the offshore wind projects in Germany.
NOTE: The original article has been amended.